Monday, March 17, 2014

SAGE BRÄU - Farfignuggan Dunkelweizen

Brew Date March 16th 2014 


Recipe Size:  5 Gallons
ABV:  5.4%
Color:  18 SRM
IBU:  15
Original Gravity:  1.053
Final Gravity:  1.012
Ready In:  6 Weeks

Almost as much fun to say as it is to drink, the name “Farfignuggan” comes from the German farfig, "to love beer," and nuggan, "out of your noggin," and roughly translates, “out of your mind with love for beer.” And with this thought in mind, one sip of this traditional copper-colored dark German wheat beer (dunkel-weizen) will transport you to the sunshine of a Bavarian biergarten, where you’ll be chomping pretzels, clanking weizen glasses, and reveling in this creamy, wheaty classic, with its fragrant abundance of clove, bananas and bread crust, which initiates the taste buds to the soft, rich wheat flavors accented with bubbly and fruity spiciness. Historically, dunkelweizens were consumed for their health-giving attributes, but today, we drink them for our deep-rooted love for beer! Prost!

Types of hops we will be using

 Hops ready for the boil

Starting the grain steeping

Here you can see the bag with the grains

Here is the malt syrup that goes in after the grains are done.  Notice the warning that this isn't pasteurized and can ferment on its own.

Kept the temp low this time.  It did not break 160 with the grains in it.

Time to pull the grains out and save them for the ducks.

Malt has been added, time to boil again and add the hops.

Cooling down the wort in the sink full of ice.

Everything is moved to the primary fermenter and the yeast has been pitched.  Now time to seal it up and see if it starts fermenting.

Setup to ferment.  :)

Time to move to the carboy!